Rocky Hastings
Sarah Reffitt
Format : H 70, L 120, P 1 cm
Technique : Acrylique
Poids : 0,50 kg
Here i have capture the subtle seas of England’s south west coast, Hastings. The delicate and intricate detailing of the rocks reveals the seas destructive power and how it has carved and remodelled thousands of year old rocks, dotted in the vast English Channel. On this day the rough seas of the night before have tossed the sea bed into life, colouring the waters a pale stony cream. The small but powerful wave looms to crash into Hastings dotted rocks and the tricking aftermath of the fallen wave before foams and gets sucked back into joining the next wave to come. Threatening in the distance, clouds blacken waiting to shower its rage once more on England’s Hastings waters.
This painting i feel brings a calming effect to an aftermath of a nights rage. A peaceful mix of colours and tones quietens one’s self and always u to bath in its beauty. Take a deep breath and quieten the mind.