A breadwinner. A hunter. A warrior

TABLEAU PEINTURE landscape panting human painting original painting wall art Personnages Peinture a l'huile  - A breadwinner. A hunter. A warrior

Copyright de l'image © Irina Sumanenkova

Irina Sumanenkova

Rubrique :
Thème :
Tableau d'art : Personnages
Type :
Tableau moyen format

Format : H 60, L 40, P 2 cm

Couleur dominante : Marron

Technique : Peinture a l'huile

Poids : 0,40 kg

Support : Toile


Media: top quality oil paints on cotton canvas;
Dimentions: 60 x 40 cm

In 12.03.2016, I have finished this artwork, that was inspired by the poem ,,Broad Heads and Bows - Bucks and Does,, by Gerald Strine, a very talented color pencil FAA artist and also a wonderful poet, who have written it at October 2013.
Here it is:

Broad heads and bows
Bucks and Does

Seep into my soul
When October winds blow

'This history of the bow
Is the history of man

Truer words never spoken
By Fred Bear of man

I take to the woods
With my bow in hand

With hopes of a harvest
Grown from Gods given land

The weight of the limbs
Felt through the string in my hand

My fingers relax
A broad head flies over the land

If my aim it is true
Their will be blood on the sand

I am feeding my family
By bow in my hand

I am playing my roll
In the history of man

With broad heads and bows
Bucks and does

They sleep in my soul
When October winds blow.

I tried to show not only an ancient, primeval hunter, who's only task is to feed his family (a true and first reason of hunting since prehistoric times), but some kind of growth, a transformation into a warrior, who is ready to protect his house and land from any threat (which is symbolizing by the blood colored cloud).

Share the image of painting ,,A breadwinner. A hunter. A warrior,, by Irina Sumanenkova in your social media and buy the original!

Irina Sumanenkova